Remove virus .scr in your pendrive or your PC.

Good Day Everyone,

Remove virus .scr in your pendrive or your PC.

3 weeks ago until 26-jun-2014, virus been affected my External Hard disk, all my folders been changed automatically with extension .scr. Its really stress and frustrated, I can’t open all my documents. But Mr. Google helps me to solve my problem. Below is my steps solution to remove this virus


  1. Firstly I need to download Norman Malware Cleaner, go to this URL:
  2. After done the download. Install it with easy step, just click next only.
  3. After done install, double click to run application. Then choose option scan , select the radio button Custom, for specific drive.Image
  4. After done select your external hard disk, Click button start. It will scanning whole your files in your external hard disk.Image
  5. This Norman Malware cleaner will  remove the malicious object.